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Occasionally, additional clinical data is obtained after samples have been submitted to SomaLogic, Inc. or even after ‘SomaScan’ results have been delivered.

This requires the new clinical, i.e. non-proteomic, data to be merged with the ‘SomaScan’ data into a “new” ADAT prior to analysis. For this purpose, a command-line-interface (“CLI”) tool has been included with SomaDataIO in the cli/merge/ directory, which allows one to generate an updated *.adat file via the command-line without having to launch an integrated development environment (“IDE”), e.g. RStudio.

To use SomaDataIOs exported functionality from within an R session, please see merge_clin().


The clinical merge tool is an R script that comes with an installation of SomaDataIO:

dir(system.file("cli", "merge", package = "SomaDataIO", mustWork = TRUE))
#> [1] "merge_clin.R" "meta.csv"     "meta2.csv"

merge_script <- system.file("cli/merge", "merge_clin.R", package = "SomaDataIO")
#> [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/SomaDataIO/cli/merge/merge_clin.R"

First create a temporary “analysis” directory:

analysis_dir <- tempfile(pattern = "somascan-")
# create directory

# sanity check
#> [1] TRUE

# copy merge tool into analysis directory
file.copy(merge_script, to = analysis_dir)
#> [1] TRUE

Create Example Data

Let’s create some dummy ‘SomaScan’ data derived from the example_data object from SomaDataIO. First we reduce its size to 9 samples and 5 proteomic features, and then write to text file in our new analysis directory with write_adat(). This will be the “new” starting point for the clinical data merge and represents where customers would typically begin an analysis.

feats <- withr::with_seed(3, sample(getAnalytes(example_data), 5L))
sub_adat <- dplyr::select(example_data, PlateId, SlideId, Subarray,
                          SampleId, Age, all_of(feats)) |> head(9L)
  write_adat(sub_adat, file = "ex-data-9.adat")
#>  ADAT passed all checks and traps.
#>  ADAT written to: "ex-data-9.adat"

Next we create random clinical data with a common key (this is typically the SampleId identifier but it could be any common key).

df <- data.frame(SampleId = as.character(seq(1, 9, by = 2)),  # common key
                 group    = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a"),
                 newvar   = withr::with_seed(1, rnorm(5)))
#>   SampleId group     newvar
#> 1        1     a -0.6264538
#> 2        3     b  0.1836433
#> 3        5     a -0.8356286
#> 4        7     b  1.5952808
#> 5        9     a  0.3295078

# write clinical data to file
  write.csv(df, file = "clin-data.csv", row.names = FALSE)

At this point there are now 3 files in our analysis directory:

#> [1] "clin-data.csv"  "ex-data-9.adat" "merge_clin.R"
  1. merge_clin.R the merge script engine itself
  2. clin-data.csv:
    • new data containing 3 columns:
    • a common key: SampleId
    • a new variable with grouping information: group
    • a new variable with a continuous variable: newvar
  3. ex-data-9.adat:
    • ADAT with 9 samples containing 5 ‘SomaScan’ proteomic features and 5 pre-existing variables we would like to merge into
    • PlateId, SlideId, Subarray, SampleId, and Age
    • note: PlateId, SlideId, and Subarray are key fields common to almost all ADATs; removing them could yield unintended results
    • the common key SampleId is required

Merging Clinical Data

The clinical data merge tool is simple to use at most common command line terminals (BASH, ZSH, etc.). You must have R installed (and available) with SomaDataIO and its dependencies installed.


The merge script takes 4 (four), ordered arguments:

  1. path to the original ADAT (*.adat) file
  2. path to clinical data (*.csv) file
  3. common key variable name (e.g. SampleId)
  4. output file name (*.adat) for new ADAT

Standard Syntax

The primary syntax is for when the common key in both files, (ADAT and CSV), has the same variable name:

# change directory to the analysis path
cd /var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq_r0000gn/T//RtmpWIbgsM/somascan-1aec208586ce

# run the Rscript:
# - we recommend using the --vanilla flag
Rscript --vanilla merge_clin.R ex-data-9.adat clin-data.csv SampleId ex-data-9-merged.adat
#> [1] "clin-data.csv"         "ex-data-9-merged.adat"
#> [3] "ex-data-9.adat"        "merge_clin.R"

Alternative Syntax

In certain instances you may have the common key under a different variable name in their respective files. This is handled by a modification to argument 3, which now takes the form key1=key2 where key1 contains the common keys in the *.adat file, and key2 contains keys for the *.csv file.

To highlight this syntax, first let’s create a new clinical data file with a different variable name, ClinID:

# rename original `df`
names(df) <- c("ClinID", "letter", "size")
#>   ClinID letter       size
#> 1      1      a -0.6264538
#> 2      3      b  0.1836433
#> 3      5      a -0.8356286
#> 4      7      b  1.5952808
#> 5      9      a  0.3295078

# write clinical data to file
  write.csv(df, file = "clin-data2.csv", row.names = FALSE)

We can now execute the same merge script at the command line with a slightly modified syntax:

Rscript --vanilla merge_clin.R ex-data-9.adat clin-data2.csv SampleId=ClinID ex-data-9-merged2.adat
#> [1] "clin-data.csv"          "clin-data2.csv"        
#> [3] "ex-data-9-merged.adat"  "ex-data-9-merged2.adat"
#> [5] "ex-data-9.adat"         "merge_clin.R"

Check Results

Now let’s check that the clinical data was merged successfully and yields the expected *.adat:

new <- withr::with_dir(analysis_dir,
#> ══ SomaScan Data ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>      SomaScan version     V4 (5k)
#>      Signal Space         5k
#>      Attributes intact    
#>      Rows                 9
#>      Columns              12
#>      Clinical Data        7
#>      Features             5
#> ── Column Meta ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#>  EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type,
#>  Dilution, PlateScale_Reference, CalReference,
#>  Cal_Example_Adat_Set001, ColCheck,
#>  CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#>  Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255,
#>  Dilution2
#> ── Tibble ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 9 × 13
#>   row_names      PlateId     SlideId Subarray SampleId   Age letter   size
#>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <int> <chr>   <dbl>
#> 1 258495800012_3 Example Ad… 2.58e11        3 1           76 a      -0.626
#> 2 258495800004_7 Example Ad… 2.58e11        7 2           55 NA     NA    
#> 3 258495800010_8 Example Ad… 2.58e11        8 3           47 b       0.184
#> 4 258495800003_4 Example Ad… 2.58e11        4 4           37 NA     NA    
#> 5 258495800009_4 Example Ad… 2.58e11        4 5           71 a      -0.836
#> 6 258495800012_8 Example Ad… 2.58e11        8 6           41 NA     NA    
#> 7 258495800001_3 Example Ad… 2.58e11        3 7           36 b       1.60 
#> 8 258495800004_8 Example Ad… 2.58e11        8 8           77 NA     NA    
#> 9 258495800001_8 Example Ad… 2.58e11        8 9           62 a       0.330
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: seq.2977.7 <dbl>, seq.5864.10 <dbl>,
#> #   seq.12358.6 <dbl>, seq.9536.16 <dbl>, seq.3216.2 <dbl>
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

#> [1] "PlateId"  "SlideId"  "Subarray" "SampleId" "Age"      "letter"  
#> [7] "size"

#> [1] "seq.2977.7"  "seq.5864.10" "seq.12358.6" "seq.9536.16" "seq.3216.2"


  • Merging newly obtained clinical variables into existing ‘SomaScan’ ADATs is easy via the merge_clin.R script provided with SomaDataIO.
  • Alternatively, one could use the exported function merge_clin().
  • If you run into any trouble please do not hesitate to reach out to or file an issue on our GitHub repository.