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Differential Expression via t-test

Although targeted statistical analyses are beyond the scope of the SomaDataIO package, below is an example analysis that typical users/customers would perform on ‘SomaScan’ data.

It is not intended to be a definitive guide in statistical analysis and existing packages do exist in the R ecosystem that perform parts or extensions of these techniques. Many variations of the workflow below exist, however the framework highlights how one could perform standard preliminary analyses on ‘SomaScan’ data.

Data Preparation

# the `example_data` package data
#> [1]  192 5318

#>     Buffer Calibrator         QC     Sample 
#>          6         10          6        170

# center/scale
cs <- function(.x) {    # .x = numeric vector
  out <- .x - mean(.x)  # center
  out / sd(out)         # scale

# prepare data set for analysis
cleanData <- example_data |>
  filter(SampleType == "Sample") |>          # rm control samples
  drop_na(Sex) |>                            # rm NAs if present
  log10() |>                                 # log10-transform (Math Generic)
  modify_at(getAnalytes(example_data), cs)   # center/scale analytes

#>  F  M 
#> 85 85

Compare Two Groups (M/F)

Get annotations via getAnalyteInfo():

t_tests <- getAnalyteInfo(cleanData) |>
  select(AptName, SeqId, Target = TargetFullName, EntrezGeneSymbol, UniProt)

# Feature data info:
#   Subset via dplyr::filter(t_tests, ...) here to
#   restrict analysis to only certain analytes

#> # A tibble: 5,284 × 5
#>    AptName       SeqId     Target                 EntrezGeneSymbol UniProt
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>                  <chr>            <chr>  
#>  1 seq.10000.28  10000-28  Beta-crystallin B2     "CRYBB2"         P43320 
#>  2 seq.10001.7   10001-7   RAF proto-oncogene se… "RAF1"           P04049 
#>  3 seq.10003.15  10003-15  Zinc finger protein 41 "ZNF41"          P51814 
#>  4 seq.10006.25  10006-25  ETS domain-containing… "ELK1"           P19419 
#>  5 seq.10008.43  10008-43  Guanylyl cyclase-acti… "GUCA1A"         P43080 
#>  6 seq.10011.65  10011-65  Inositol polyphosphat… "OCRL"           Q01968 
#>  7 seq.10012.5   10012-5   SAM pointed domain-co… "SPDEF"          O95238 
#>  8 seq.10013.34  10013-34  Fc_MOUSE               ""               Q99LC4 
#>  9 seq.10014.31  10014-31  Zinc finger protein S… "SNAI2"          O43623 
#> 10 seq.10015.119 10015-119 Voltage-gated potassi… "KCNAB2"         Q13303 
#> # ℹ 5,274 more rows

Calculate t-tests

Use a “list columns” approach via nested tibble object using dplyr, purrr, and stats::t.test()

t_tests <- t_tests |>
    formula = map(AptName, ~ as.formula(paste(.x, "~ Sex"))), # create formula
    t_test  = map(formula, ~ stats::t.test(.x, data = cleanData)),  # fit t-tests
    t_stat  = map_dbl(t_test, "statistic"),            # pull out t-statistic
    p.value = map_dbl(t_test, "p.value"),              # pull out p-values
    fdr     = p.adjust(p.value, method = "BH")         # FDR for multiple testing
  ) |>
  arrange(p.value) |>            # re-order by `p-value`
  mutate(rank = row_number())    # add numeric ranks

# View analysis tibble
#> # A tibble: 5,284 × 11
#>    AptName  SeqId Target EntrezGeneSymbol UniProt formula   t_test  t_stat
#>    <chr>    <chr> <chr>  <chr>            <chr>   <list>    <list>   <dbl>
#>  1 seq.846… 8468… Prost… KLK3             P07288  <formula> <htest> -22.1 
#>  2 seq.658… 6580… Pregn… PZP              P20742  <formula> <htest>  14.2 
#>  3 seq.792… 7926… Kunit… SPINT3           P49223  <formula> <htest> -11.1 
#>  4 seq.303… 3032… Folli… CGA FSHB         P01215… <formula> <htest>   9.67
#>  5 seq.168… 1689… Ecton… ENPP2            Q13822  <formula> <htest>   9.37
#>  6 seq.576… 5763… Beta-… DEFB104A         Q8WTQ1  <formula> <htest>  -8.71
#>  7 seq.928… 9282… Cyste… CRISP2           P16562  <formula> <htest>  -8.47
#>  8 seq.295… 2953… Lutei… CGA LHB          P01215… <formula> <htest>   8.55
#>  9 seq.491… 4914… Human… CGA CGB          P01215… <formula> <htest>   8.14
#> 10 seq.247… 2474… Serum… APCS             P02743  <formula> <htest>  -7.40
#> # ℹ 5,274 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: p.value <dbl>, fdr <dbl>, rank <int>

Visualize with ggplot2()

Create a plotting tibble in the “long” format for ggplot2:

target_map <- head(t_tests, 12L) |>     # mapping table
  select(AptName, Target)               # SeqId -> Target

plot_tbl <- example_data |>             # plot non-center/scale data
  filter(SampleType == "Sample") |>     # rm control samples
  drop_na(Sex) |>                       # rm NAs if present
  log10() |>                            # log10-transform for plotting
  select(Sex, target_map$AptName) |>    # top 12 analytes
  pivot_longer(cols = -Sex, names_to = "AptName", values_to = "RFU") |>
  left_join(target_map, by = "AptName") |>
  # order factor levels by 't_tests' rank to order plots below
  mutate(Target = factor(Target, levels = target_map$Target))

#> # A tibble: 2,040 × 4
#>    Sex   AptName        RFU Target                                        
#>    <chr> <chr>        <dbl> <fct>                                         
#>  1 F     seq.8468.19   2.54 Prostate-specific antigen                     
#>  2 F     seq.6580.29   4.06 Pregnancy zone protein                        
#>  3 F     seq.7926.13   2.66 Kunitz-type protease inhibitor 3              
#>  4 F     seq.3032.11   3.26 Follicle stimulating hormone                  
#>  5 F     seq.16892.23  3.44 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiester…
#>  6 F     seq.5763.67   2.52 Beta-defensin 104                             
#>  7 F     seq.9282.12   2.94 Cysteine-rich secretory protein 2             
#>  8 F     seq.2953.31   2.99 Luteinizing hormone                           
#>  9 F     seq.4914.10   3.93 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin                  
#> 10 F     seq.2474.54   4.71 Serum amyloid P-component                     
#> # ℹ 2,030 more rows
plot_tbl |>
  ggplot(aes(x = Sex, y = RFU, fill = Sex)) +
  geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, outlier.shape = NA) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#24135F", "#00A499")) +
  geom_jitter(shape = 16, width = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~ Target, ncol = 3) +
  ggtitle("Boxplots of Top Analytes by t-test") +
  labs(y = "log10(RFU)") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 21, face = "bold"),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.position = "top"