Loading and Wrangling 'SomaScan'
Stu Field, Standard BioTools, Inc.
Loading an ADAT
Load an ADAT text file into R
memory with:
# path to *.adat file
# replace with your file path
adat_path <- system.file("extdata", "example_data10.adat",
package = "SomaDataIO", mustWork = TRUE)
#> [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/SomaDataIO/extdata/example_data10.adat"
my_adat <- read_adat(adat_path)
# class test
#> [1] TRUE
# S3 print method forwards -> tibble
#> ══ SomaScan Data ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> SomaScan version V4 (5k)
#> Signal Space 5k
#> Attributes intact ✓
#> Rows 10
#> Columns 5318
#> Clinical Data 34
#> Features 5284
#> ── Column Meta ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#> ℹ EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type, Dilution,
#> ℹ PlateScale_Reference, CalReference, Cal_Example_Adat_Set001,
#> ℹ ColCheck, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#> ℹ Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255,
#> ℹ Dilution2
#> ── Tibble ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5,319
#> row_names PlateId PlateRunDate ScannerID PlatePosition SlideId Subarray
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 258495800012_3 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H9 2.58e11 3
#> 2 258495800004_7 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H8 2.58e11 7
#> 3 258495800010_8 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H7 2.58e11 8
#> 4 258495800003_4 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H6 2.58e11 4
#> 5 258495800009_4 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H5 2.58e11 4
#> 6 258495800012_8 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H4 2.58e11 8
#> 7 258495800001_3 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H3 2.58e11 3
#> 8 258495800004_8 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H2 2.58e11 8
#> 9 258495800001_8 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H12 2.58e11 8
#> 10 258495800004_3 Example… 2020-06-18 SG152144… H11 2.58e11 3
#> # ℹ 5,312 more variables: SampleId <chr>, SampleType <chr>,
#> # PercentDilution <int>, SampleMatrix <chr>, Barcode <lgl>, Barcode2d <chr>,
#> # SampleName <lgl>, SampleNotes <lgl>, AliquotingNotes <lgl>,
#> # SampleDescription <chr>, …
#> ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
print(my_adat, show_header = TRUE) # if simply wish to see Header info
#> ══ SomaScan Data ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> SomaScan version V4 (5k)
#> Signal Space 5k
#> Attributes intact ✓
#> Rows 10
#> Columns 5318
#> Clinical Data 34
#> Features 5284
#> ── Column Meta ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#> ℹ EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type, Dilution,
#> ℹ PlateScale_Reference, CalReference, Cal_Example_Adat_Set001,
#> ℹ ColCheck, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#> ℹ Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255,
#> ℹ Dilution2
#> ── Header Data ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 35 × 2
#> Key Value
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 AdatId GID-1234-56-789-abcdef
#> 2 Version 1.2
#> 3 AssayType PharmaServices
#> 4 AssayVersion V4
#> 5 AssayRobot Fluent 1 L-307
#> 6 Legal Experiment details and data have been processed to prot…
#> 7 CreatedBy PharmaServices
#> 8 CreatedDate 2020-07-24
#> 9 EnteredBy Technician1
#> 10 ExpDate 2020-06-18, 2020-07-20
#> 11 GeneratedBy Px (Build: : ), Canopy_0.1.1
#> 12 RunNotes 2 columns ('Age' and 'Sex') have been added to this ADA…
#> 13 ProcessSteps Raw RFU, Hyb Normalization, medNormInt (SampleId), plat…
#> 14 ProteinEffectiveDate 2019-08-06
#> 15 StudyMatrix EDTA Plasma
#> # ℹ 20 more rows
#> ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
# S3 summary method
# View Target and summary statistics
seqs <- tail(names(my_adat), 3L)
summary(my_adat[, seqs])
#> seq.9995.6 seq.9997.12 seq.9999.1
#> Target : DUT Target : UBXN4 Target : IRF6
#> Min : 1138 Min : 4427 Min : 851.9
#> 1Q : 1535 1Q : 12423 1Q : 1306.6
#> Median : 3861 Median : 20292 Median : 2847.9
#> Mean : 5189 Mean : 26058 Mean : 3206.0
#> 3Q : 9343 3Q : 41184 3Q : 4641.7
#> Max : 10171 Max : 50390 Max : 6978.9
#> sd : 3983 sd : 17420 sd : 2164.4
#> MAD : 3938 MAD : 19516 MAD : 2387.2
#> IQR : 7807 IQR : 28761 IQR : 3335.1
# Summarize by Sex
my_adat[, seqs] |>
split(my_adat$Sex) |>
#> $F
#> seq.9995.6 seq.9997.12 seq.9999.1
#> Target : DUT Target : UBXN4 Target : IRF6
#> Min : 2104 Min : 13742 Min : 1253
#> 1Q : 3898 1Q : 20719 1Q : 2190
#> Median : 9211 Median : 40743 Median : 4546
#> Mean : 7104 Mean : 34683 Mean : 4048
#> 3Q : 9652 3Q : 46513 3Q : 5307
#> Max : 10171 Max : 50390 Max : 6979
#> sd : 3851 sd : 16464 sd : 2268
#> MAD : 1082 MAD : 12636 MAD : 2508
#> IQR : 5754 IQR : 25794 IQR : 3116
#> $M
#> seq.9995.6 seq.9997.12 seq.9999.1
#> Target : DUT Target : UBXN4 Target : IRF6
#> Min : 1137.7 Min : 9829 Min : 1222.8
#> 1Q : 1241.7 1Q : 10906 1Q : 1482.1
#> Median : 1345.6 Median : 11983 Median : 1741.4
#> Mean : 2663.8 Mean : 16019 Mean : 2306.2
#> 3Q : 3426.8 3Q : 19114 3Q : 2847.9
#> Max : 5508.0 Max : 26246 Max : 3954.3
#> sd : 2465.4 sd : 8922 sd : 1450.7
#> MAD : 308.2 MAD : 3193 MAD : 768.9
#> IQR : 2185.2 IQR : 8208 IQR : 1365.8
Occasionally “problematic” ADATs can be difficult to parse. For this
purpose a convenient debug = TRUE
argument to
allows you to inspect the file specifications
that R
thinks exist in the file. This can be
useful in identifying where/why/how a parse failure has occurred. It is
recommended to view this output and compare to the physical text file
itself to identify any misidentified or mismatched landmarks:
read_adat(adat_path, debug = TRUE)
#> ══ Parsing Specs ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> 45
#> • Table Begin
#> 46
#> • Col.Meta Start
#> 35
#> • Col.Meta Shift
#> 66
#> • Header Row
#> 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and
#> 65
#> • Rows of the Col Meta
#> ── Col Meta ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 20 ──
#> ℹ SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#> ℹ EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type, Dilution,
#> ℹ PlateScale_Reference, CalReference, Cal_Example_Adat_Set001,
#> ℹ ColCheck, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#> ℹ Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255
#> ── Row Meta ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 34 ──
#> ℹ PlateId, PlateRunDate, ScannerID, PlatePosition, SlideId, Subarray,
#> ℹ SampleId, SampleType, PercentDilution, SampleMatrix, Barcode,
#> ℹ Barcode2d, SampleName, SampleNotes, AliquotingNotes,
#> ℹ SampleDescription, AssayNotes, TimePoint, ExtIdentifier, SsfExtId,
#> ℹ SampleGroup, SiteId, TubeUniqueID, CLI, HybControlNormScale,
#> ℹ RowCheck, NormScale_20, NormScale_0_005, NormScale_0_5,
#> ℹ ANMLFractionUsed_20, ANMLFractionUsed_0_005, ANMLFractionUsed_0_5,
#> ℹ Age, Sex
#> ── Empty Strings Detected in Col.Meta ───────────────────────────────────── ! ──
#> → Visually inspect the following Col.Meta rows: "TargetFullName", "UniProt", "EntrezGeneID", and "EntrezGeneSymbol"
#> ℹ They may be missing in:
#> "Spuriomers" and "HybControls"
#> → This is non-critical in ADATs with new "seq.1234.56" format.
#> ══ Parse Diagnostic Complete ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
Attributes Contain File and Feature Information
#> [1] "names" "class" "row.names" "Header.Meta" "Col.Meta"
#> [6] "file_specs" "row_meta"
# The `Col.Meta` attribute contains
# target annotation information
attr(my_adat, "Col.Meta")
#> # A tibble: 5,284 × 21
#> SeqId SeqIdVersion SomaId TargetFullName Target UniProt EntrezGeneID
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 10000-28 3 SL019233 Beta-crystallin … CRBB2 P43320 "1415"
#> 2 10001-7 3 SL002564 RAF proto-oncoge… c-Raf P04049 "5894"
#> 3 10003-15 3 SL019245 Zinc finger prot… ZNF41 P51814 "7592"
#> 4 10006-25 3 SL019228 ETS domain-conta… ELK1 P19419 "2002"
#> 5 10008-43 3 SL019234 Guanylyl cyclase… GUC1A P43080 "2978"
#> 6 10011-65 3 SL019246 Inositol polypho… OCRL Q01968 "4952"
#> 7 10012-5 3 SL014669 SAM pointed doma… SPDEF O95238 "25803"
#> 8 10013-34 3 SL025418 Fc_MOUSE Fc_MO… Q99LC4 ""
#> 9 10014-31 3 SL007803 Zinc finger prot… SLUG O43623 "6591"
#> 10 10015-119 3 SL014924 Voltage-gated po… KCAB2 Q13303 "8514"
#> # ℹ 5,274 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: EntrezGeneSymbol <chr>, Organism <chr>, Units <chr>,
#> # Type <chr>, Dilution <chr>, PlateScale_Reference <dbl>, CalReference <dbl>,
#> # Cal_Example_Adat_Set001 <dbl>, ColCheck <chr>,
#> # CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255 <dbl>, QcReference_170255 <dbl>,
#> # Cal_Example_Adat_Set002 <dbl>, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255 <dbl>,
#> # Dilution2 <dbl>
Analyte Features (seq.xxxx.xx
getAnalytes(my_adat) |> head(20L) # first 20 analytes; see AptName above
#> [1] "seq.10000.28" "seq.10001.7" "seq.10003.15" "seq.10006.25"
#> [5] "seq.10008.43" "seq.10011.65" "seq.10012.5" "seq.10013.34"
#> [9] "seq.10014.31" "seq.10015.119" "seq.10021.1" "seq.10022.207"
#> [13] "seq.10023.32" "seq.10024.44" "seq.10030.8" "seq.10034.16"
#> [17] "seq.10035.6" "seq.10036.201" "seq.10037.98" "seq.10040.63"
getAnalytes(my_adat) |> length() # how many analytes
#> [1] 5284
getAnalytes(my_adat, n = TRUE) # the `n` argument; no. analytes
#> [1] 5284
Feature Data
The getAnalyteInfo()
function creates a lookup table
that links analyte feature names in the soma_adat
object to
the annotation data in ?Col.Meta
via the common index-key,
, in column 1:
#> # A tibble: 5,284 × 22
#> AptName SeqId SeqIdVersion SomaId TargetFullName Target UniProt EntrezGeneID
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 seq.100… 1000… 3 SL019… Beta-crystall… CRBB2 P43320 "1415"
#> 2 seq.100… 1000… 3 SL002… RAF proto-onc… c-Raf P04049 "5894"
#> 3 seq.100… 1000… 3 SL019… Zinc finger p… ZNF41 P51814 "7592"
#> 4 seq.100… 1000… 3 SL019… ETS domain-co… ELK1 P19419 "2002"
#> 5 seq.100… 1000… 3 SL019… Guanylyl cycl… GUC1A P43080 "2978"
#> 6 seq.100… 1001… 3 SL019… Inositol poly… OCRL Q01968 "4952"
#> 7 seq.100… 1001… 3 SL014… SAM pointed d… SPDEF O95238 "25803"
#> 8 seq.100… 1001… 3 SL025… Fc_MOUSE Fc_MO… Q99LC4 ""
#> 9 seq.100… 1001… 3 SL007… Zinc finger p… SLUG O43623 "6591"
#> 10 seq.100… 1001… 3 SL014… Voltage-gated… KCAB2 Q13303 "8514"
#> # ℹ 5,274 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: EntrezGeneSymbol <chr>, Organism <chr>, Units <chr>,
#> # Type <chr>, Dilution <chr>, PlateScale_Reference <dbl>, CalReference <dbl>,
#> # Cal_Example_Adat_Set001 <dbl>, ColCheck <chr>,
#> # CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255 <dbl>, QcReference_170255 <dbl>,
#> # Cal_Example_Adat_Set002 <dbl>, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255 <dbl>,
#> # Dilution2 <dbl>
Clinical Data
getMeta(my_adat) # clinical meta data for each sample
#> [1] "PlateId" "PlateRunDate" "ScannerID"
#> [4] "PlatePosition" "SlideId" "Subarray"
#> [7] "SampleId" "SampleType" "PercentDilution"
#> [10] "SampleMatrix" "Barcode" "Barcode2d"
#> [13] "SampleName" "SampleNotes" "AliquotingNotes"
#> [16] "SampleDescription" "AssayNotes" "TimePoint"
#> [19] "ExtIdentifier" "SsfExtId" "SampleGroup"
#> [22] "SiteId" "TubeUniqueID" "CLI"
#> [25] "HybControlNormScale" "RowCheck" "NormScale_20"
#> [28] "NormScale_0_005" "NormScale_0_5" "ANMLFractionUsed_20"
#> [31] "ANMLFractionUsed_0_005" "ANMLFractionUsed_0_5" "Age"
#> [34] "Sex"
getMeta(my_adat, n = TRUE) # also an `n` argument
#> [1] 34
ADAT structure
The soma_adat
object also contains specific structure
that are useful to users. Please also see ?colmeta
for further details about these fields.
Group Generics
You may perform basic mathematical transformations on the feature
data only with special soma_adat
S3 methods (see
#> [1] 8642.3 12472.1 14627.7 13579.8 8938.8 6738.8
logData <- log10(my_adat) # a typical log10() transform
#> [1] 3.936629 4.095940 4.165176 4.132893 3.951279 3.828583
roundData <- round(my_adat)
#> [1] 8642 12472 14628 13580 8939 6739
sqData <- sqrt(my_adat)
#> [1] 92.96397 111.67856 120.94503 116.53240 94.54523 82.09019
#> [1] 10 100 1000 10000
sum(my_adat < 100) # low signalling values
#> [1] 693
all.equal(my_adat, sqrt(my_adat^2))
#> [1] TRUE
all.equal(my_adat, antilog(log10(my_adat)))
#> [1] TRUE
Math Generics
#> [1] "abs" "sign" "sqrt" "ceiling" "floor" "trunc"
#> [7] "cummax" "cummin" "cumprod" "cumsum" "exp" "expm1"
#> [13] "log" "log10" "log2" "log1p" "cos" "cosh"
#> [19] "sin" "sinh" "tan" "tanh" "acos" "acosh"
#> [25] "asin" "asinh" "atan" "atanh" "cospi" "sinpi"
#> [31] "tanpi" "gamma" "lgamma" "digamma" "trigamma"
#> [1] "==" ">" "<" "!=" "<=" ">="
#> [1] "+" "-" "*" "^" "%%" "%/%" "/"
#> [1] "max" "min" "range" "prod" "sum" "any" "all"
Full Complement of dplyr S3 Methods
The soma_adat
also comes with numerous class specific
methods to the most popular dplyr generics that make working
with soma_adat
objects simpler for those familiar with this
standard toolkit:
#> [1] 10 5318
males <- dplyr::filter(my_adat, Sex == "M")
#> [1] 3 5318
males |>
dplyr::select(SampleType, SampleMatrix, starts_with("NormScale"))
#> ══ SomaScan Data ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> SomaScan version V4 (5k)
#> Signal Space 5k
#> Attributes intact ✓
#> Rows 3
#> Columns 5
#> Clinical Data 5
#> Features 0
#> ── Column Meta ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#> ℹ EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type, Dilution,
#> ℹ PlateScale_Reference, CalReference, Cal_Example_Adat_Set001,
#> ℹ ColCheck, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#> ℹ Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255,
#> ℹ Dilution2
#> ── Tibble ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#> row_names SampleType SampleMatrix NormScale_20 NormScale_0_005 NormScale_0_5
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2584958000… Sample Plasma-PPT 0.984 1.03 0.915
#> 2 2584958000… Sample Plasma-PPT 1.08 0.946 0.912
#> 3 2584958000… Sample Plasma-PPT 0.921 1.13 0.953
#> ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Available S3 Methods soma_adat
# see full complement of `soma_adat` methods
methods(class = "soma_adat")
#> [1] [ [[ [[<- [<- ==
#> [6] $ $<- anti_join arrange count
#> [11] filter full_join getAdatVersion getAnalytes getMeta
#> [16] group_by inner_join is_seqFormat left_join Math
#> [21] median merge mutate Ops print
#> [26] rename right_join row.names<- sample_frac sample_n
#> [31] semi_join separate slice_sample slice summary
#> [36] Summary transform ungroup unite
#> see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
Writing a soma_adat
is_intact_attr(my_adat) # MUST have intact attrs
#> [1] TRUE
write_adat(my_adat, file = tempfile("my-adat-", fileext = ".adat"))
#> ✔ ADAT passed all checks and traps.
#> ✔ ADAT written to: "/var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq_r0000gn/T//RtmpKpsZiN/my-adat-22c03b797cd6.adat"