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In a standard SomaLogic ADAT, the section of information that sits directly above the measurement data (RFU data matrix) is the column meta data (Col.Meta), which contains detailed information and annotations about the analytes, SeqId()s, and their targets. See section below for further information about available fields and their descriptions. Use getAnalyteInfo() to obtain an object containing this information for programmatic analyses, and use getMeta() to obtain the column names representing the row-specific meta data about the samples (see section below).

Col Meta (Analyte Annotations)

Information describing the analytes is found to the above the data matrix in a standard SomaLogic ADAT. This information may consist of the any or all of the following:

SeqIdSomaLogic sequence identifier2182-54_1
SeqidVersionVersion of SOMAmer sequence2
SomaIdTarget identifier, of the form SLnnnnnn (8 characters in length)SL000318
TargetFullNameTarget name curated for consistency with UniProt nameComplement C4b
TargetSomaLogic Target NameC4b
UniProtUniProt identifier(s)P0C0L4 P0C0L5
EntrezGeneIDEntrez Gene Identifier(s)720 721
EntrezGeneSymbolEntrez Gene Symbol namesC4A C4B
OrganismProtein Source OrganismHuman
UnitsRelative Fluorescence UnitsRFU
TypeSOMAmer target typeProtein
DilutionDilution mix assignment0.01%
PlateScale_ReferencePlateScale reference value1378.85
CalReferenceCalibration sample reference value1378.85
medNormRef_ReferenceRFUMedian normalization reference value490.342
Cal_V4_<YY>_<SSS>_<PPP>Calibration scale factor (for given Year_Study_Plate)0.64
ColCheckQC acceptance criteria across all plates/setsPASS
QcReference_<LLLLL>QC sample reference value (for given QC lot)PASS
CalQcRatio_V4_<YY>_<SSS>_<PPP>Post calibration median QC ratio to reference (for given Year_Study_Plate)1.04

Row Meta (Sample Annotations)

Information describing the samples is typically found to the left of the data matrix in a standard SomaLogic ADAT. This information may consist of clinical information provided by the client, or run-specific diagnostic information included for assay quality control. Below are some examples of what may be present in this section:

PlateIdPlate identifierV4-18-004_001, V4-18-004_002
ScannerIDScanner used to analyze slideSG12064173, SG14374437
PlatePositionLocation on 96 well plate (A1-H12)A1, H12
SlideIdAgilent slide barcode2.58E+11
SubarrayAgilent subarray (1 – 8)1,8
SampleId1st form is Subject Identifier, 2nd form (calibrators, buffers)2031
SampleType1st form for clinical samples (Sample), 2nd form as aboveSample, QC, Calibrator, Buffer
PercentDilutionHighest concentration the SOMAmer dilution groups20
SampleMatrixSample matrixPlasma-PPT
Barcode1D Barcode of aliquotS622225
Barcode2d2D Barcode of aliquot1.91E+08
SampleNotesAssay team sample observationCloudy, Low sample volume, Reddish
SampleDescriptionSupplemental sample informationPlasma QC 1
AssayNotesAssay team run observationBeads aspirated, Leak/Hole, Smear
TimePointSample time pointBaseline
ExtIdentifierPrimary key for SubarrayEXID40000000032037
SsfExtIdPrimary key for sampleEID102733
SampleGroupSample groupA, B
SiteIdCollection siteSomaLogic, Covance
TubeUniqueIDUnique tube identifier1.12E+11
CLICohort definition identifierCLI6006F001
HybControlNormScaleHybridization control scale factor0.948304
RowCheckNormalization acceptance criteria for all row scale factorsPASS, FLAG
NormScale_0_5Median signal normalization scale factor (0.5% mix)1.02718
NormScale_0_005Median signal normalization scale factor (0.005% mix)1.119754
NormScale_20Median signal normalization scale factor (20% mix)0.996148


# Annotations/Col.Meta
tbl <- getAnalyteInfo(example_data)
#> # A tibble: 5,284 × 22
#>    AptName       SeqId   SeqIdVersion SomaId TargetFullName Target UniProt
#>    <chr>         <chr>          <dbl> <chr>  <chr>          <chr>  <chr>  
#>  1 seq.10000.28  10000-…            3 SL019… Beta-crystall… CRBB2  P43320 
#>  2 seq.10001.7   10001-7            3 SL002… RAF proto-onc… c-Raf  P04049 
#>  3 seq.10003.15  10003-…            3 SL019… Zinc finger p… ZNF41  P51814 
#>  4 seq.10006.25  10006-…            3 SL019… ETS domain-co… ELK1   P19419 
#>  5 seq.10008.43  10008-…            3 SL019… Guanylyl cycl… GUC1A  P43080 
#>  6 seq.10011.65  10011-…            3 SL019… Inositol poly… OCRL   Q01968 
#>  7 seq.10012.5   10012-5            3 SL014… SAM pointed d… SPDEF  O95238 
#>  8 seq.10013.34  10013-…            3 SL025… Fc_MOUSE       Fc_MO… Q99LC4 
#>  9 seq.10014.31  10014-…            3 SL007… Zinc finger p… SLUG   O43623 
#> 10 seq.10015.119 10015-…            3 SL014… Voltage-gated… KCAB2  Q13303 
#> # ℹ 5,274 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: EntrezGeneID <chr>, EntrezGeneSymbol <chr>,
#> #   Organism <chr>, Units <chr>, Type <chr>, Dilution <chr>,
#> #   PlateScale_Reference <dbl>, CalReference <dbl>,
#> #   Cal_Example_Adat_Set001 <dbl>, ColCheck <chr>,
#> #   CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255 <dbl>,
#> #   QcReference_170255 <dbl>, Cal_Example_Adat_Set002 <dbl>, …

# Row/sample Meta
r_m <- getMeta(example_data)
#> [1] "PlateId"       "PlateRunDate"  "ScannerID"     "PlatePosition"
#> [5] "SlideId"       "Subarray"     

# Normalization Scale Factors
grep("NormScale", r_m, value = TRUE)
#> [1] "HybControlNormScale" "NormScale_20"        "NormScale_0_005"    
#> [4] "NormScale_0_5"      

# adat subset
example_data[1:3, head(r_m)]
#> ══ SomaScan Data ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>      SomaScan version     V4 (5k)
#>      Signal Space         5k
#>      Attributes intact    
#>      Rows                 3
#>      Columns              6
#>      Clinical Data        6
#>      Features             0
#> ── Column Meta ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  SeqId, SeqIdVersion, SomaId, TargetFullName, Target, UniProt,
#>  EntrezGeneID, EntrezGeneSymbol, Organism, Units, Type,
#>  Dilution, PlateScale_Reference, CalReference,
#>  Cal_Example_Adat_Set001, ColCheck,
#>  CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set001_170255, QcReference_170255,
#>  Cal_Example_Adat_Set002, CalQcRatio_Example_Adat_Set002_170255,
#>  Dilution2
#> ── Tibble ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   row_names  PlateId PlateRunDate ScannerID PlatePosition SlideId Subarray
#>   <chr>      <chr>   <chr>        <chr>     <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 258495800… Exampl… 2020-06-18   SG152144… H9            2.58e11        3
#> 2 258495800… Exampl… 2020-06-18   SG152144… H8            2.58e11        7
#> 3 258495800… Exampl… 2020-06-18   SG152144… H7            2.58e11        8
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════