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Diff tool for the differences between two soma_adat objects. When diffs of the table values are interrogated, only the intersect of the column meta data or feature data is considered


diffAdats(adat1, adat2, tolerance = 1e-06)


adat1, adat2

Two soma_adat objects to compare.


Numeric > 0. Differences smaller than tolerance are not triggered. See all.equal().


NULL, invisibly. Called for side effects.


Only diffs of the column name intersect are reported.


Stu Field


# subset `example_data` for speed
# all SeqIds from 2000 -> 2999
seqs <- grep("^seq\\.2[0-9]{3}", names(example_data), value = TRUE)
ex_data_small <- head(example_data[, c(getMeta(example_data), seqs)], 10L)
#> [1]  10 264

# no diff to itself
diffAdats(ex_data_small, ex_data_small)
#> ══ Checking ADAT attributes & characteristics ════════════════════════════
#> → Attribute names are identical       
#> → Attributes are identical            
#> → ADAT dimensions are identical       
#> → ADAT row names are identical        
#> → ADATs contain identical Features    
#> → ADATs contain same Meta Fields      
#> ── Checking the data matrix ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → All Clinical data is identical      
#> → All Feature data is identical       
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

# remove random column
rm <- withr::with_seed(123, sample(1:ncol(ex_data_small), 1))
diffAdats(ex_data_small, ex_data_small[, -rm])
#> ══ Checking ADAT attributes & characteristics ════════════════════════════
#> → Attribute names are identical       
#> → Attributes are identical            
#> → ADAT dimensions are identical       
#> →   ADATs have same # of rows         
#> →   ADATs have same # of columns      
#> →   ADATs have same # of features     
#> →   ADATs have same # of meta data    
#> → ADAT row names are identical        
#> → ADATs contain identical Features    
#> → ADATs contain same Meta Fields      
#> "ex_data_small"
#> "ex_data_small[, -rm]"
#>          seq.2790.54
#>  Continuing on the "*INTERSECT*" of ADAT columns
#> ── Checking the data matrix ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → All Clinical data is identical      
#> → All Feature data is identical       
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

# randomly shuffle Subarray
diffAdats(ex_data_small, dplyr::mutate(ex_data_small, Subarray = sample(Subarray)))
#> ══ Checking ADAT attributes & characteristics ════════════════════════════
#> → Attribute names are identical       
#> → Attributes are identical            
#> → ADAT dimensions are identical       
#> → ADAT row names are identical        
#> → ADATs contain identical Features    
#> → ADATs contain same Meta Fields      
#> ── Checking the data matrix ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → All Clinical data is identical      
#>     No. fields that differ            1
#> ── Clinical data diffs ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> "Subarray"
#> → All Feature data is identical       
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

# modify 2 RFUs randomly
new <- ex_data_small
new[5L, c(rm, rm + 1L)] <- 999
diffAdats(ex_data_small, new)
#> ══ Checking ADAT attributes & characteristics ════════════════════════════
#> → Attribute names are identical       
#> → Attributes are identical            
#> → ADAT dimensions are identical       
#> → ADAT row names are identical        
#> → ADATs contain identical Features    
#> → ADATs contain same Meta Fields      
#> ── Checking the data matrix ──────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → All Clinical data is identical      
#> → All Feature data is identical       
#>     No. fields that differ            2
#> ── Feature data diffs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> "seq.2790.54" and "seq.2794.60"
#> ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════